The Movie Database

By Rubén Santiago

Screenshot of

Implementation Details

  • The MovieDB API is encapsulated in a framework I created called TheMovieDatabase
    • i.e. encapsulates the “core business logic”
    • Has 100% unit test code coverage
  • The Movies app target builds and embeds TheMovieDatabase dependency when building the app
  • The Movies app has a protocol named AbstractMovieDatabase allows for
    • Future expansion of support for other movie databases with minimal effort to adopt client-side (
    • Insulation from change in framework vendor
  • Skeleton entities appear in the source code for IMDb but are not implemented

Public and Complete API Reference Documentation can be found in /docs/index.html, or…

Complete API Reference ➡️

Public API Reference ➡️

Given More Time, I Would Implement…

  • os.log support
  • More robust error handling for HTTP Response decoding
  • More detailed test failure messages
  • Add support for other movie databases
  • A more unique UI
  • Fix known issues listed below

Known Issues

  • Small performance lag when typing quickly


You are asked to implement an iOS app that will search for movies through The Movie Database (TMDb). The app will allow us to type in a keyword and then visualize all the movies matching that keyword. For each movie returned, the app will display its title, poster, and overview (short summary of the plot).

  • Use the “Search” API provided by
  • Make a GET request to with the following parameters:
    • api_key: for convenience, use 2a61185ef6a27f400fd92820ad9e8537
    • query: a string representing the keyword we are searching for
  • Make a GET request to{poster} to download the poster image for the movie, where {poster} is the value returned by the previous endpoint within the poster_path field.

Sample Requests

  • Searching for “Harry Potter”:
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone poster:

Hard Requirements

  • The code needs to compile and run in the simulator
  • The project should run out of the box in the latest (non-beta) version of Xcode
  • No modifications required by the evaluator
  • No third party tools or libraries
  • The code should not crash under normal usage (searching, scrolling, rotation)
  • The code should contain no third party libraries
    • NSCache, NSJSONSerialization, NSURLSession, and UISearchController are your friends
  • The code should be performant
  • Thread management
  • In-memory image caching
  • Table cell reuse
  • Placeholder for unloaded images
  • Other Considerations
  • The code should be easy to review
  • Be consistent in coding style
  • Write comments where necessary
  • Write unit tests to cover core business logic

Not Required

  • This project is meant to be narrow in scope, you should not implement:
  • Pagination
  • Disk-based cache
  • UI automation tests
  • Your project only needs to support the latest (non-beta) build target


  • You are not required to follow the exact design sample provided by us
  • Objective-C and Swift code are welcome
  • You can use Apple’s Network Link Conditioner to test your app under slow network conditions to test proper caching and cell reuse
  • While time to complete a solid answer varies, you should expect to spend around 3-5 hours on the project
  • When submitting, email us back a compressed zip file of your project and briefly outline what you would implement, if you were given more time, with the intention of submitting to the App Store
  • Please do not share this document publicly
  • Please reach out to us if you have questions


Ruben Santiago,